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COVID-19 Update #1

COVID-19 Update #1

Updated March 25th 2020
It's a crazy time we're living in, we know archive boxes may be the last thing on your mind, but just in case you were planning on ordering some boxes we wanted to keep you updated on where we are at.

We're Still Open - For Now
We are currently working split shifts to minimise any risk of transmission to ourselves, our customers and the broader community. However we may be required to close operations from this Friday. We will advise if and when directed by government to close.

Need Something? Order by Thursday 4:30pm
We strongly suggest placing orders by 4:30pm Thursday (tomorrow) to give our team enough time to pack and dispatch your order on Friday, as it will likely be our last day. Click here to order your boxes.

We'll Be Working Remotely
If we are required to close, we will be working remotely. If you place an order during this time we will be in touch to discuss your options. Please understand there may be a delay in dispatching your order.

Extra Safety Measures for Orders

  • All staff using hand sanitiser before and after each order is packed
  • Social distancing measures as per department guidelines
  • Staggering shifts to try and minimise any staffing disruptions and transmission
Above all else, we wish our customers the best of luck during these uncertain times; things will start to look up in the next few weeks, so just hang in there!

Kind Regards,

The ArchiveBoxes Team
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The Archive Boxes Australia Guarantee